WalcoRen 75PS140 is a natural rennet paste obtained only from lamb vells salted and checked at the origin.
Traditional product obtained from the grinding of lamb vells afterwards made immediately soluble. Rennet free from microbial coagulant, swine pepsin and DNA recombinant chymosin.
Natural rennet paste free from colouring matters, flavourings or other additives added.
The product may have color variation.
This has no influence on the clotting activity
Powder rennet produced by Walcoren is a 100% natural, containing enzymes extracted from calf abomasum. The production process is carried out using a traditional and mainly manually technology. Thanks to a drying phase in traditional ovens, the final product has a granular appearance and uniform white color. Its fundamental characteristics, such as constancy in processing and excellent solubility, allow to give the cheese a rich and long–lasting flavor.
PCAM consists of a selected strain of Penicillium camemberti, formerly Penicillium candidum,that ensures a medium-fast, even and controlled surface coverage in the production of white mould cheese. PCAM strongly inhibits development of Rhizomucor mould types and it is recommended to avoid problems with occurrence of indigenous moulds. Medium-low lipolytic and medium-low proteolytic activities give a mild mushroom type aroma and do not develop mouldy or chemical off flavours as many anti-mucor strains might do. Optimal anti-mucor effect is reached by using PCAM in addition with PCV5-S. Further more rotation with PSM2 is recommended. If applied alone, a higher inoculation level (e.g. two times higher) is suggested.
PCV5 consists of a specifically selected strain of Penicillium candidum to ensure a uniform and controlled surface treatment in the production of moulded cheese. The mycelium growth results in a fast development of very short, white and colour stable coating. PCV5 enhances the ripening and aroma of the cheese due to medium lipolytic and medium proteolytic activity.
PR A is a liquid mould culture consisting of a single strain of bright blue-green Penicillium roqueforti. The use of this culture ensures a controlled and very fast development of a green marbled characteristic appearance of blue cheeses. Due to high proteolytic, medium lipolytic and very low esterase activity during ripening the use of PR A is suitable for maturation (softening the texture) and slow development of the aroma in mild/creamy cheese.
Round mold 16 cm
This mold is intended for draining cheeses of around 1500g such as mountain tomme or other cheese.
Lyofast SB 108 consists of a specifically selected salt-tolerant strain of Brevibacterium linens to ensure a uniform and controlled surface treatment in the production of pressed and soft cheese with an orange appearance. Lyofast SB 108 is not so sensitive to lower pH than other B. linens strains and the growth results in very fast development of an orange pigment that will cover the cheese. Thereby Lyofast SB 108 contributes to the ripening process as well as the characteristic colouring of the cheese. Due to high proteolytic and medium lipolytic activity the ripening and aroma of the cheese is enhanced especially if Lyofast SB 108 is used together with Lyofast SS 1 (Staphylococcus succinus). Generally a blend of surface ripening cultures is recommendable.